Block Island Striper fishing ..

Capt Mike - 07/13/2011

Fished with Dick Moraenu and his 2 buddies on the north east side of Block Island on July 13th 2011, departed Point Judith  a little later then normal. We arrived at a way point that I…

NH Striped Bass Report 7/10/11

Captain Joel - 07/12/2011

Fishing Report Week Ending 7/10/11 This weeks report is similar to last weeks, we had some great days and some ok days.  The bookends of the  week were the best.  On monday, I did a 4 hour…

Mobjack Bay, VA

Capt Ed Lawreance - 07/10/2011

It’s been a rather slow Spring, pretty much as we thought it would be, and now we’re entering the Hot months and things are what one would expect. Stripers have been somewhat scarce but early…

Old Friend Schools Capt. Skip

Pursuit of Bass - 07/09/2011

Bill rubbing it in Long time friend, Bill Mandrona, was in for a weekend visit, and enjoy some time on the water. Little did Capt. Skip know, that he was going to be out fished…

After boat repairs, Bass bite was Slamming!

Pursuit of Bass - 07/07/2011

This Evening , Capt. Skip had to do some power steering repairs, and when the job was a quick success, Kenny, Ron, Ravioli Ron, and Mike jumped aboard for a non-stop slamming bite of Bass…

Forget Montauk…Little Montauk produces Bass

Pursuit of Bass - 07/06/2011

Skip, Don, Ron, Kenny and Ravioli Ron got up super early to fish Montauk, only to shut-out from trailer failure at 4 am. Not to be outdone, the crew returned to Huntington, launched back in…

Mackerel, Stripers and Tuna, Oh My!

G Cove Charters - 07/04/2011

June ended with a bang this year. We’ve had a phenomenal Bluefin tuna bite recently and Striper fishing remains good. Some days we are working harder for bait than others. We will be gearing up…

Recommended fishing tackle from the pros at Northeast Angling TV for many saltwater inshore and offshore species
Striped Bass | Fluke | Blackfish | Tuna | Sharks | Weakfish | Cod | Sea Bass | Bluefish | Flounder | Porgies | Black Drum | Mahi | Tilefish
Video & News by Species from Northeast Angling TV
On Northeast Angling TV Capt Andy and Capt Rich have fished for nearly every inshore and offshore species in the region. See the video, news, tackle, locations, and techniques for your favorite species:
Striped Bass | Fluke | Blackfish | Tuna | Sharks | Weakfish | Cod | Sea Bass | Bluefish | Flounder | Porgies | Black Drum | Mahi | Tilefish
Video & News by State from Northeast Angling TV
See the video, news, tackle, locations, and techniques for the Northeast from the pros at Northeast Angling TV
New Jersey | New York | Connecticut | Rhode Island | Massachusetts