Winter redfishing in Venice Louisiana
January 6, 2014 Report. I took out some fellows from Boston, Massachusetts this last weekend fishing for some Redfish. Neil and Mark took the last plane out of the airport up there last week before…
Last report for 2013 redfish venice
December 31, 2013 report We have not been out fishing during the Christmas holiday, and the Venice area has been a ghost town with few people fishing. There has been some duck hunters out, but…
Redfishsing in Venice , Louisiana
December 19th 2013 REPORT We have absolutely, positively been catching the daylights out of the Redfish this week. Words can’t describe the Redfish bite this week. I am asked a bunch about when the best…
redfishing in Venice Louisiana
I had some folks that called me up last week that wanted to go out for some Redfish on a short notice fishing trip. They wanted to give the Redfishing a try, because they…
Chesaspeake Bay Redfish
While waiting for our annual trophy striped bass (rockfish), our customers are enjoying catching red drum (redfish) such as those pictured here. =) Tight lines, Capt. Alan
Chesapeake Bay is offering new species daily!
Bottom fishing trips on the York River are producing good catches of croaker, with spot, sea mullet and an occasional flounder. Light tackle trips in Mobjack Bay continue to produce nice speckled trout and small…
Trophy Red Drum (Channel Bass)
Trophy Red Drum have shown up on Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay! Our customers are enjoying night trips to the barrier islands of the Virginia Eastern Shore. At the mouth of the Bay, large Redfish up to…