Block Island Stripers
Block Island Stripers are still coming and getting bigger. Trolling frames, and jigging parachutes are working fine, and eels are starting to work during the day if you can keep away from the pesky dogfish…
Bass & Blues @ North End B.I.
Bluefish showed up pretty good at the North End of Block Island along with the Striped Bass on Thursday June 2nd, just before the change of tide and the wind started howling up to 35…
Stonington Breakwater and Watch Hill Reefs
Did our first bass trip on Monday, Memorial Day. Didn’t leave the dock until around 9 a.m. and headed straight for the Watch Hill Reefs. We trolled 9’ers down about 15 feet and dragged a…
Block Island Stripers
Striped bass have moved into Block Island Waters…..mix of schoolies and larger bass around 15-20 lb range. right now. Sand Eels are everywhere, and the bass are gorging themselves on them…Umbrella Frames are working great…