Cape Cod Bay / Barnstable Harbor
On Friday ,5/25, we had Shamus, Dan, Carrie and Ron……on board for a 4 hr trip.. We got word that the bite was good in the west so we were going to head to Barnstable…
Cape Cod Bay
On Sunday we had an eight-hour trip with Juan and his team. We left the dock at 8am and headed right to the north edge of Billingate Shoals. As we were steaming we could see…
Cape Cod Bay
On Friday we had Nick out from NJ. Nick has been with us for over 4 years and this was his first trip out for the 2012 season. Nick is an avid top water fisherman,…
Stripe Bass in Cape Cod Bay
Well Sunday, we got out for our first charter of the season for stripers. We got off the dock at 9am along with Capt . Dave for a two boat trip. We headed “West” since…