“The Cast of Characters” Go Blackfishing and Clowning…
Oh Boy !!! todays trip had some cast of characters on board…Put Rich, Rick, Mailman and Chris on board and what do you have ??? Lots of laughs, goofing, jokes…and oh yea…a bunch of guys…
Dr. Rich, the Precious Fireman finally get the Hang of It
Day after day, lesson after lesson, one would think that Precious would finally get the knack of this Blackfishing thing…???but noooo, not this guy !! Again and again my man needed lesson upon lesson, some…
Fishing Buddies Slay the Blackfish!!!
What a better way of spending a Saturday morning, than with a bunch of good friends, going out, slaying the Tog…The Blackfish bite is in full swing, and we have Ron, Steve, Donny, Tom, C,the…
“Saturday Slayfest” The Tog bite is in full Swing!!!
Why get up at 6am…? the boys knew the bite window, went out by 11am…beat up the Tog…Limited out in less than 1 hour…and were back at the dock by 2:15 pm… Capt. Skip was…
Skip and “The Mailman ” Get their limit and some!!!
Today’s trip with the Mailman was another epic day on the water ! The duo knew exactly where and when to fish, and when the bite came on…WOW…Tog after Tog up to 6 lbs. were…
Dad and Daughter Do Some Blackfish Bonding
As always, it’s a great day of fishing when my #1 mate is aboard to fish with her Dad…Kristin and I set out for a few hours of Black fishing on a beautiful day…The duo…
Fairfield Univ. Boys beat up the Blackfish during Columbus Day Break
Fairfield University shuts for the weekend…Huummm…what to do ??? I know…lets go Black fishing with Capt. Skip…and boy did they… AJ, Topher and Chuck were treated to a nice bite of Blackfish and Sea Bass…