Water Get’s Colder and The Tog are Growling!
Capt. Skip took out T-Rod and Rich for a quick 3 hr. Blackfish hit, and none were disappointed! The crew hit the waters at the right tide and the bite was insane! Tom Rodler broke…
NYPD’s Finest putting on a Fishing Show
Good Friend, Hector, one of New York’s finest, came out to fish with Capt. Skip and put on a clinic, from start to finish! The Blackfish bite was sick, with some nice 4-7 lb. Slobs…
Let’s Give Rich a Blackfishing refresher course!
Rich and Capt. Skip had a few hours to kill and decided to do a little exploring for bigger fish! Rich stared off the day with the 1st fish,( a nice 5 lb. Tog). But…
Brush Boys Day 2 of Tog Slayfest
Last weeks trip was sooooo good, Bob’s son couldn’t resist, but join his Dad and uncle for some fun! Well not to disappoint, Sammy was on fire with fish after fish,getting everyone pissed off that…
Kyle, Dad and Uncles have Memorable Blackfishing Trip
Anticipating a good day, Kyle saved all his energy for later in the day to school his Dad and Uncles during a Blackfishing Mayhem Day! The crew all had a memorable bite going on with…
The Brush Brothers Invade L.I. for 2011
Bob and Dick Brush made their annual trek to the famed fishing grounds of L.I. Starting with a nice breakfast at TK’s Galley, the crew set out on the water for what was to be…
2011 Blackfish Opener
Despite the lousy morning weather a nice crowd did show for the 2011 blackfish opener. The ANGLER II departed the dock at 7am sharp and headed east for the good, early season , shallow water…