Afternoon Bite was alot slower with Jonah aboard !!!
Special guest, ( Jonah Klement ) came along for the afternoon trip, only to put the mollyoook on us..We all swear he had a few Bananas in his cooler and in his pockets !!! The…
Bass bite has Officially Begun !!!
After a few days of doing some exploratory fishing, Pursuit of Bass is starting to zero in on a good Striped Bass bite ! The Church of the early morning risers set sail on Sunday…
Welcome To The 2013 Fishing Season !!!
Welcome all to the Pursuit of Bass , 2013 season…We are looking forward to the upcoming season for some great Striped Bass, Blue fish, Fluke, Porgy, and Blackfishing !!! Here is a recap on whats…
Western Sound 2013
Stripers are showing up in our back bays and we are trageting them from our 32CC Wellcraft out of New Rochelle, NY and we do have dates available in May and June. If you are…
Season Ending Boys Trip
With Hurricane Sandy looming a day away, Capt. Skip chose to pull his boat out of the water to dry land..The storm hit more damaging than ever thought, but the Pursuit was safe, and survived…
Ann Shows the Boys how to Fish !!!
Two days before Hurricane Sandy is to hit…Friends, Kevin, Zack and Ann went out for a day of Blackfishing!… Newbe to the fishing scene is Zacks girlfriend Ann…Never fished for Tog before, put on a…
Father and Son Continue the Great Blackfish Bite
With Hurricane Sandy only a few days away, the gang had to get another day or two of fishing in.. Bob, his son Sam, the Mailman and Donny all went out and had another super…