Williamsburg/Yorktown Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report:
<°){{{)=Σ York River Charters guests are enjoying good catches of nice sized Croaker and “yellow bellied” Spot on our bottom fishing trips in the river. On our longer charters in the Chesapeake Bay, Bluefish, Sheepshead…
Chesaspeake Bay Redfish
While waiting for our annual trophy striped bass (rockfish), our customers are enjoying catching red drum (redfish) such as those pictured here. =) Tight lines, Capt. Alan
Middle Chesapeake Bay Update
The Cobia bite is on in the middle Chesapeake. Our guests have landed fish ranging from 37 to 46 inches. As usual, the sharks are keeping things interesting in between Cobia runs. The Croaker being…
Chesapeake Bay is offering new species daily!
Bottom fishing trips on the York River are producing good catches of croaker, with spot, sea mullet and an occasional flounder. Light tackle trips in Mobjack Bay continue to produce nice speckled trout and small…
Our customers continue to enjoy nice catches of Croaker, with Spot and Sea Mullet as well, in the York River. Light tackle trips for Speckled Trout and puppy Drum are doing well in the tributaries…
Bottom Fishing has returned to the York River
The water temperatures have risen and bottom fishing results are following suit. Over the past week our guests have caught Croaker in good numbers. Their size has been fairly good as well, with some fish…
Trophy Red Drum (Channel Bass)
Trophy Red Drum have shown up on Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay! Our customers are enjoying night trips to the barrier islands of the Virginia Eastern Shore. At the mouth of the Bay, large Redfish up to…