Colorado Joe Invades Long Island for Tog Season!!!

Pursuit of Bass - 10/10/2013

The much anticipated Blackfish season had Colorado Joe dying to get to Long Island to get his hands on a nice Blackfish bite…The only problem was the weather wasn’t notified that he was coming, and…

Opening Day Blackfish is finally here!!!

Pursuit of Bass - 10/05/2013

Finally the Day has come…BLACKFISH !!! and what a beautiful day to do some searching for the Famed Tog !  All hands on deck had a great time…caught fish and had some nice meat to…

The Brush Boys Storm Long Island!!!

Pursuit of Bass - 09/25/2013

Oh My God…Look out…The Brush Boys have arrived… After a nice casual breakfast, Steve, Dick and Bob joined Capt. Skip on the water for a day of fun, laughs, great stories and some good old…

Fluke Fishing with Capt. Don in Shinnecock

Pursuit of Bass - 09/08/2013

Today, Capt. Skip and Ron Krapf were delighted to fish with Capt. Don Burch for some fine ocean Fluke !!! The trio started the day a bit slow, but then Skip caught fish after fish,…

Welcome to Blackfish Season 2013

Pursuit of Bass - 09/05/2013

Hi all…welcome to Blackfish 2013…it’s gonna be a great season with no Hurricanes in site to shorten our season…We are very excited for this fall fishing, because when we were SeaBass and Porgy fishing, many…

Daniel takes on the Blues and Sandsharks!!!

Pursuit of Bass - 07/28/2013

Welcome back to N.Y. for another summer of fun, and fishing…Natalie’s boyfriend, Daniel , went out for an early morning trip, for Bass, but was surprised with some bluefish and a 4 foot Sandshark, the…

Rondini Breaks Into the 40 lb. Club in Style!!!

Pursuit of Bass - 07/24/2013

Todays trip, Ron and Capt. Skip had the pleasure of joining John Vater on his boat in Montauk for a day of non-stop fishing !!! The day started off great with Ron catching a 47″,…

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Striped Bass | Fluke | Blackfish | Tuna | Sharks | Weakfish | Cod | Sea Bass | Bluefish | Flounder | Porgies | Black Drum | Mahi | Tilefish
Video & News by Species from Northeast Angling TV
On Northeast Angling TV Capt Andy and Capt Rich have fished for nearly every inshore and offshore species in the region. See the video, news, tackle, locations, and techniques for your favorite species:
Striped Bass | Fluke | Blackfish | Tuna | Sharks | Weakfish | Cod | Sea Bass | Bluefish | Flounder | Porgies | Black Drum | Mahi | Tilefish
Video & News by State from Northeast Angling TV
See the video, news, tackle, locations, and techniques for the Northeast from the pros at Northeast Angling TV
New Jersey | New York | Connecticut | Rhode Island | Massachusetts