Don and Skip hit some Bass and Fluke !!!

Pursuit of Bass - 05/18/2014

Today Don and Skip went out in search for fish of any species, and were blessed with some Fluke and Striped Bass. The duo dragged some wire for quite a while before nailing a Bass….

No Bass, but alittle early season Fluke Fishing !!!

Pursuit of Bass - 05/11/2014

Capt. Skip had a few hours to kill, did nothing on the Bass front, so decided to do some early season Fluke Fishing…the bite was pretty good..but al shorts today…Let’s tll mother nature to turn…

Welcome to the 2014 Pursuit of Bass Fishing season

Pursuit of Bass - 04/30/2014

Wow…What a winter !!! Is it ever gonna end ? Welcome to Spring, and you know what that means…the boat is in the water, the days are getting longer, the water will hopefully warm up…

Slow Start of Season has Capt. Skip and Ron Experimenting

Pursuit of Bass - 04/27/2014

A beautiful April day had buddies, Ron and Skip out searching for some sea life after a brutally cold winter  and spring. The duo looked for Striped Bass, but with the water being in the…

Team Schedler Had a Blast Blackfishing near end of our season !!!

Pursuit of Bass - 11/16/2013

Capt. Skip and Don finally got Don’s son Dillon out for his maiden voyage to the Blackfish grounds. New to the Blackfishing thing, Dillon listened to all the pointers given, and put on a clinic,…

Year’s End Blackfish Blowout

Pursuit of Bass - 11/15/2013

One of the last trips of the season was with quite a cast of characters!!! Capt. Skip was joined by Mike ( Little Debbie ), Don, Tom and Rich (Precious ) the fireman. As usual,…

Otto and The Capt. hit them HARD !!!

Pursuit of Bass - 11/10/2013

A beautiful November day was perfect for Head Dockmaster Otto and Capt. Skip to go out and slam some quality Blackfish. The bite was a bit picky at first, but then all hell broke loose…

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Recommended fishing tackle from the pros at Northeast Angling TV for many saltwater inshore and offshore species
Striped Bass | Fluke | Blackfish | Tuna | Sharks | Weakfish | Cod | Sea Bass | Bluefish | Flounder | Porgies | Black Drum | Mahi | Tilefish
Video & News by Species from Northeast Angling TV
On Northeast Angling TV Capt Andy and Capt Rich have fished for nearly every inshore and offshore species in the region. See the video, news, tackle, locations, and techniques for your favorite species:
Striped Bass | Fluke | Blackfish | Tuna | Sharks | Weakfish | Cod | Sea Bass | Bluefish | Flounder | Porgies | Black Drum | Mahi | Tilefish
Video & News by State from Northeast Angling TV
See the video, news, tackle, locations, and techniques for the Northeast from the pros at Northeast Angling TV
New Jersey | New York | Connecticut | Rhode Island | Massachusetts